Did the Rayatz recreate the Chabad movement from scratch?
Looking at the eclipse of the Schneerson family in a different light
I am getting emails that tell me two things, people didn’t listen to the podcast on the eclipse of the Schneerson family and people don’t understand the reason we are posting (and will continue to post, no shortage of the material) about “OTD” and murdered Schneersons. We are in fact probing the emerging assumption that, by the generation of Ramash, there have been a complete assimilation of the children of Tzemach Tzedeck. There is Ramash himself, Zalman Schneerson, but who else? At least today, since the passing of Ramash, there is only ONE FAMILY of Zalman Schneerson that checks these three categories:
Schneerson, after the sons of Tzemach Tzedek.
Card-carrying members of Chabad (with a layover in Bobov).
This is inline with the premise that the sons and daughters of Tzemach Tzedek, due to their wealth, education, and social status, assimilated at a much higher rate than the rest of the Russian Jewry. Of course there are thousands of genetic descendants of the Alter Rebbe today, different frum branches survive in Israel and amongst the Poilisher chasssdim, etc. Even Shemtov allegedly comes from a daughter of Tzemach Tzedek. If you search Шнеерсон in Russian on Facebook, a list comes up, there is only one problem, many (most?) are no longer Jewish…
Please listen to the podcast for an explanation why, paradoxically, the Alter Rebbe can count on more religious descendants amongst the Hagas chassidim than amongst the Chabad itself. There are important conclusions worth pondering:
When Ramash grew up, he knew no other religious Schneersons around him, all his peers of his age assimilated. Even his own brother turned to Marxism.
Rayatz certainly was aware of this, his daughters were trending “modern”. Therefore, the bucolic picture of Chabad history recreated by Rayatz after he left Russia was done from scratch (more on this later). In other words, the reason, Ramash was able to “lose Chabad's Russian and European anchor” is because after the Rayatz, the Chabad mythology created a new Chabad. There were no longer a need for Gulag, movement’s Russian history, the reality of assimilation inside the family, no need for Holocaust, it was all a bad dream that couldn’t be forgotten soon enough. “America nisht andresh”? Is anyone surprised that a man who recreated a new religion in Poland and later in America would say that?
The assertion that Chabad chassidus was the only bulwark against assimilation wasn’t true then, just as it is not true today.
Ramash infused the New Chabad with the cult of personalty that was a mass media propaganda innovation only previously tried in the exactly two countries where the old Chabad was demolished. What they call add insult to injury.