German Abramovitch Schneerson is a physicist living in Petrograd today. The above picture is from his 90th birthday. This man has a look, I can’t help it but take out pen and paper and start writing a PN’ to this man.
Born on June 13, 1932.
In 1956 he graduated from the Electro-mechanical Faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.
Professor of the Department "High Voltage Engineering and Electric Power Engineering" of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
In 2011, he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science
From wiki: "Specialist in the field of physics and technology of strong and super-strong magnetic fields, pulsed energy and high-voltage pulsed technology. Conducted research related to the production of super-strong ("megagauss") pulsed magnetic fields and studies of the processes of interaction of a super-strong field with conductors. During the experiments, a field with a record induction for laboratory conditions was achieved, theoretical studies describing the nonlinear diffusion of a super-strong field into conductors, a phase transition during an electric explosion of the surface layer, a shock wave and a hydrodynamic flow of the medium initiated by a megagauss field were carried out.”
Whos einikle is he?