On the subject of Levi Yitzchak Schneerson.
So יהודה in the comments there sent me Yossel Mochkin episode podcast where “within the first 5 minutes he wonders what happened to all the Schneerson’s, descendants of the Alter Rebbe?” Someone, please point him to mentalblog.
Listening to that podcast makes me nervous, and I can’t get pass the 5-min mark. My fuse is short these days. This Yossel must be Laibel’s son? I am sorry I don’t have a personal connection to the man. He sounds like he could be a friend I never had. In my days, there was a rumor that Leible Mochkin shot some KGB goons in Russia. He had that gangsta image. When I told this to Mayshke Levertov, he just bust out laughing. But I love the uncle of that Yossel Mochkin, Leible’s brother, another Yossel Mochkin may he rest in peace. He was a proper ZEK. And a man of wondrous, warm imagination.
He says his relative is a Zionist from the same family. I always wondered if Kiryat Mochkin in Israel is related. Now I know.
Back to Levi Yitzchak Schneerson
He is just another Лёва with a direct paternal line from the Alter Rebbe. His father’s (שניאור צבי הירש) linage:
הוא היה בנו של רבי לוי יצחק נכדו של רבי ברוך שמואל נינו של רבי חיים אברהם בנו של כ"ק אדמור הזקן
Here is Chabadapedia - לוי יצחק (לובה) שניאורסון
Mottel points in the comments that he had a connection to Rayatz.
Now I understand why, when I read about Rayal, Americans call him Leba or Israelis call it Luba לובה. Of course, it’s a good old Лёва or Lyova. Almighty God! I know worst curses…