In addition to the Forgotten Schneersons who Converted to Communism and were killed in Stalin's Purges. There is one more NKVD officer. Born in 1907 in Surazh, Schneerson Abram Michailovich. It’s written that he was a candidate to the communist party and was a lieutenant in NKVD. The reason he was not mentioned in the Sacharov archive is because the archive lists only people who were murdered. And Schneerson Abram Michailovich was arrested and let go in a year. Never heard of this before…
It’s almost certain that Schneerson Abram Michailovich was a brother of the shot NKVD Major Natan Michailovich Schneerson from Surazh, who was listed in the original post. Perhaps also a cousin of Yosif Solomonovich Schneerson from Surazh, also listed in the Sacharov archive. Something in the Surazh water, as all these Schneersons not only joined the communist party, but also the NKVD.
There is a book (school teaching aid) authored by Schneerson Abram Michailovich published in Irkutsk in 1955.