mentalblog podcast
Sound No. 12 – מיהו יהודי and the Jerusalem Council
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:15

Sound No. 12 – מיהו יהודי and the Jerusalem Council

Etymology of James, Thomas, and Peter

The most influential and consequential meeting in human history occurred in Jerusalem c. 48 CE, around 15-20 years after the resurrection of the Mashiyach. It is sometimes called Apostolic Council because of the participants:

  • Brother of Jesus Apostle James the Just AKA Tzaddik, AKA “Lesser James” or Yankel der Kleiner, the Rebbe of the Meshichist sect in Jerusalem and the world.

  • Apostle Paul, AKA Shaul of Tarsus, attended Rabban Gamliel University, CEO and Founder of the Church, Shaliyach in Damascus and Antioch.

  • Apostle Peter, AKA Shimon, AKA Cephas, AKA Pope, Shaliyach in Antioch, Shaliyach in Rome.

  • Apostle Barnabas, AKA Joseph the Cypriot, attended Rabban Gamliel University, Shaliyach in Cyprus, Shaliyach in Milan.

There is one more thing I meant to talk about. Eventually, James the Just was brought in front of the Sanhedrin by Cohen Gadol Hanan ben Hanan, who had it with the meshichisten. Sanhedrin sentenced the meshichist Rebbe James the Just to stoning, and he was thrown from the walls of the Temple. According to some, this led to the chain of events of replacing of the Cohen Gadol, replacing of the Roman Governor in Judea and some say to the war, the destruction of the Temple and the endless Golus.

Notes and Quotes:

Karl Marx:

“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”

Harold Bloom:

“If Jesus Christ is impossibly remote from Yahweh (as presumably Yeshua of Nazareth was not), this is because Greek theological formulations and Hebraic experiential memories simply are antithetical to each other.”


המנון הפנינה והמנון הכלה שני המנונות נוצריים מתוך החיבור הארמי 'מעשי יהודה תאומא'
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Etymology of Thomas

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