Scott Locklin known for his blog Locklin on science, wrote a seminal essay: Free Men and Slaves.
I often wonder why people put up with what they put up. Why don't they rebel? In Russia, the answer is easy – serfdom. The majority of the population are recently freed serfs, 1861 the ear of emaciation of the serfs in Russia, is the same year as the American Civil War. Ideas occur if the time has come, regardless of context (Masonic conspiracy?). Plus, in Russia, they purposely destroyed the free aristocrat class. The Jewish aristocracy crashed under the same wheel of history.
“It’s little remarked upon, but the vast majority of people alive today are descended from slaves and peasants. Most of these people remain emotional slaves and peasants.”
Scott Locklin continues:
“Classical-era slaves were forbidden many things available to free men: for example, they were forbidden gymnastics, weightlifting and wrestling in Athens. These sorts of exercises make the slave more dangerous as they build thumos (“spiritedness”, roughly) and character. Even gladiators were fed a diet consisting of legumes, breads and porridge – the kind of slop the sinister docker-pants-wearing goons in WEF [World Econic Forum] meetings would like the whole world to eat along with cockroach tapenade.
Xenophon in his Education of Cyrus [the Moshiyah to the Jews] describes how Cyrus kept the conquered peoples in bondage after conquest. Quite simply, he made them into sybaritic degenerates: the pleasures of the slave. Have fun, don’t exercise. Here: have some more wine. Don’t experience too much hardship: that would be unpleasant [Ramash and Holocaust]. Slaves were portrayed in the arts as timid, dumb and cowardly. More or less like suburban office dwellers, the types of people who publicly and immediately forgive the killers of their children.
Tyrants and tyrannies love slaves and slavish subjects. Nero famously gave slaves the right to take their masters to court. This wasn’t some prototypical love of human dignity or “civil rights” – through perhaps it was done for similar reasons. It was explicitly done to reduce the status of free men. They were all slaves to a tyrant such as Nero.”
Serfdom, the ownership of the people, is the context of Hasidism in general, and especially the Chabad culture. Your body might be free, but your soul belongs to the Rebbe. I don’t have to explain how significant life decisions are (were) made in Chabad. The goal is to take all the initiative out of people's minds and hands. Deprive people of agency. Discourage physical exercise and then “reward” people with over the top gluttony and vodka (Ramash famously canceled the ascetic tradition). Even if this doesn’t really work at scale (20 last years of Ramash’s life), it’s still the mentality. It continues posthumously. In fact, Ramash took it up a notch by propagating the cult of personality of a God-like figure. The ideal of inner subjugation, the bittul, is a significant feature of the culture that crawled from under the Tzars and Stalin.
So, there is no point in appealing to the serfs, it is too hard of a task in the given cultural condition. But back to the current American political context:
“The history of modernity is to a certain extent is the mobilization of historical peasant and slave classes for other tasks. Past mobilization was done for warfare and industrial production. The dipshits in power (mostly clerks and slaves themselves, all stupid) now think automation is so well developed, the mass should be back to overt slavery and peonage.”
You understand what is at stake in this American revolution and more importantly, that there will be no help from the “automated” serfs? You understand why we haven't heard a peep from Chabad about the American trans cult or the Marxists overreach, except from Chaya Raichik, if you can even call her “Chabad”. From Moscow to Beijing and Washington, the slave class consents to obedient service of the dictatorial political power.