While I sympathize, I think we blow our issues out of proportion. Human problems seem intractable from within, but there's nothing forbidding progress in principle, as long as it's discrete and incremental (curing genetic diseases for example).

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This is not the “progress” I am talking about. While there are indeed advances in science, medicine, etc., there is no progress in the fundamental human condition.

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The line begins to blur, and true advances in the Life sciences will split humans further than the modern industrial assault already has.

I think the idea that Communism is a biological phenomenon(a symptom really), is correct, so true 'progress' can only be biological.

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So the solution is dropping dead,suicide and conversion/assimilation.

Both Shamshon and the Warsaw Ghetto fighters took the option of Rabbi Akiba fight for survival in hope of a future better day. As did millions who left Russia after 1881rather than convert like our friend Chwolson

My parents spent 5 years in a DP camp 1945-48

Jews had to make choices some a few

committed suicide,married German women and they had no problems.Others like R Akiba went to Israel/Palestine still others decided to try being Jewish in US or elsewhere. A few went crazy and could not decide how to proceed. Fate took over

I suspect you our host himself acted like R Akiba by exiting former USSR and seek a better day.

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You misunderstood me. You fight for life the best you can. But do not expect a redemption or miraculous force. If anything, this strengthens the resolve. Expectation of a miracle is a path to disaster.

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Eykh mir a yontev!

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These holidays, for and against, are designed to mask the sad fact that no sustained friendship is possible with either party to the dispute.

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