It's always good to show hakoras hatov....

I am SURE many people read these posts and are fascinated, I definitely am. Please continue to post your amazing research. Many of us greatly appreciate it.

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Thank you, Abraham.

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Was not Repka family frummer?

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Yes you are right, I was talking about women but forgot about Frida and Yehudis, Repker Rov daughters.

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Typical JAP(or RAP i guess..).Sometimes when you read old letters from royalty, they are also always board.

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She had been living in Leningrad since 1920 and Prostak that I am ,I presume it was center of ballet.galleries cafes newspapers and assorted other Chasidic pastimes

Mrs Minna Gourary informed me that her father Reb Berel Haskind also went to ballet or theatre in Leningrad.

Bere told me that Musia liked making dresses and was interested in so called couture.

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Imagine how liberated they felt from the stench of the ghetto and how ironic to end up in the same provincial ghetto in Brooklyn, stuck with the Russian peasants all over again.

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Not even the nasi hador whom he venerated could keep him in Warsaw.

So nasi had to keep company with little Bere Gourary

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Clearly MMS was not interested in Warsaw not the Torah of Reb Menachem Ziemba,not the ziddkus of a a Gerer Rebbe not the neginag if Rav Saul of Modsitz not the perishus of Reb Hillel Zeitlun not even the Basic hador could keep him in Warsaw

After all Berlin had the universities world of Art people like Otto Wringer,Max Lieberman world of movies of theatre and Arthur Schnitzler how could Warsaw compete with pashute harepashne yiddn working hard and saying a kapitol Tillim ,no contest

And Paris fashion ,freedom in all senses universities again no contest what did Warsaw offer Koshnitzer zaddik who was wild with God intoxication, Rav Kahana a great posek,Rav Biderman of Ger,Piasetzner zaddik Levertover Rebbe but alas the RMMS could put them all in pocket of his stish db suit.

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I will be objective.In late 1920s a Chernobler Rebbe fled USSR to US After Iseveral years here he went back to USSR

Heard this from Rabbi Dovid Twersky Ztl of BP and various books confirm this

He could not tolerate level of materialism in US

NOW that is not true of Musya

There is much more in the marriage that requires thorough study.

Many here know what I refer to.

One can make claims that Rebbe sat and studied kabbalah in Berlin and Paris but it's hardly believable especially being married to Musia

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I heard from Rabbi Bick that American Rabonim were vary upset at him. Communists used him as propaganda how good it is in Momma Russia-it was not a pretty picture.

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I still don't know why she was so lonely in Riga. Is Riga any worse than Rostov or little Lubavitch for that matter? My guess she was always lonely, mostly by choice, and she blamed it on whatever town she was in at the moment.

I also noticed how both sisters write about the effort it was for them to write a letter. Which is a signal that they were not accustomed to anything creative, considered it to be a homework. Hence, their perpetual loneliness and perhaps boredom. In the case of Musia at least.

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These letters reveal state of religiously of Schneerson family.

The Mrs was seemingly acculturated and so was RMMS.

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What is mind boggling is the level of goishket in these letters. A daughter of a Rebbe should not mention anything Jewish, i do not even mean religion???

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This was the most religious family in the Schneerson dynasty in Russia. But I still would say that the level of admiration for the Russian culture seems a bit extreme.

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Your precise contribution to history is appreciated by many.

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