On the subject of Yisroel Aryeh Leib Schneerson AKA Mark Gourary and NLR? Someone sent me this:
All the articles about RAYAL prepared by the Chabad PR apparatchiks, they tell us that he was a super genius. Big deal. That family was bred for brains. If you breed with a purpose, you already will see the results in the third or even second generation. This is a 7th generation of breeding for brains, with a pretty good head start material! All dogs are genetically wolves, but look at the possible varieties of breeding. As a Portuguese Jew once told me in Amsterdam: “We are all inbred here, so either genius or crazy…” This is so accurate for the tragic family from Yekaterinoslav.
What business is Chabad in? Is Chabad selling quantum physics or God? Since Chabad is selling God, the most pertinent fact, when you speak of Schneersons, is the fact that the entire family assimilated, including Rebbe’s brother (to a degree Ramash himslef, certainly Musya), not that Mark Gurary published a groundbreaking paper on particle physics.
It appears from the article that Shmotkin, others, have access to Dalia Rotman-Gurari, the daughter of Rayal. So, indeed, we must conclude that the hiding of Yisroel Aryeh Leib Schneerson’s photos is intentional. To perpetuate the myth or appreance or even a lie that he was religious. Or at the very least, omit the most important fact from Chabad perspective. What should be the Chabad perspective, anyway.
I see that RAYAL authored some paper on “Marxian theory of prices”. An obvious interest. Marx was a Jew who had the most impact on the destruction of the Schneerson family and the world Jewry. I heard that RAYAL had an interest in Trotsky. Trotsky was from my father’s village of Yanovka (now Bereslavka), midway between Nikolayev and Dnepropetrovsk. So one would assume some cross-pollination of ideas (it was, if you wish, in the air). Whenever Rayal was really a Trotskist at some point in this life is less significant, or if he was simply accused in Russia of being Trotskist (the Stalinist bastards accused everyone of being a Trotskist). At this point, I will tell a story that I heard from Zelig Levin. While in Tel Aviv, Mark Gurary used to go and smoke on Shabbos in front of the Great Synagogue in Tel Aviv. To annoy the religious. Have I misunderstood him when Zelig told that story in the Rosenfeld shule in Boro Park in the middle of
betweenShabbos davening? If you talk to Zelig, tell him he is the most impressive chabadnik I ever met. It’s genetic because that’s how I imagine Zelig’s grandfather, Yisroel Neveler. Everything is genetic…
I must write not to the meshugoyim in CH but to the metukanin shebahem ,time to rejoin klal Yisroel.
Consult with Gerer Rebbe,Buyaner Rebbe etc how to proceed ,stop your crazed peuloth chiefly fund raising,cheap PR vechule and return to what Chabad stood for for many deyres And renounce your not so secret doctrine that all Jews must become Chabad and accept MaMash including many kreisen much more frum than Shabad dehoidna. Vehu rachum..
Just for the truth,Mark never tried to pass himself off as a frum Jew,a Chasid or rebbe as another person attempted a new identity as Mashiach zikkeynu