Much of the first part of your post can be summarized in plain English.

Chabad youth receive little or no secular education.Thus have little critical capacity

They also get an inferior Talmudic education,again gives them no critical capacity. They have no critical thinking except for $$9

Now they do have animal instincts thus they leave Chabad but for what ?

Food 33 eateries in CH.singing.alchehol,travel, allegedly on shlichus of a man no longer alive.So if you had a blog about sex and the singles of CH you would be popular.

Now as far as Communist structure well they have nothing to do with East Europe Jewish culture,but they did adopt the govt style of the USSR after all they overthrew the royal Czarske mishpoche in late 1980s so now they have govt by materialistic culture propoganda,constant action etc.

I'll finish with a call to those in Chabad who value their ancestors culture and/or value piety to leave Chabad or start a Chabad based on teaching of first 6rebbes.

Yes it's difficult but otherwise your grandchildren maybe .....

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Zalman, for many years now, as long as I remember, you have this dream of the old Chabad. I had many dreams too. I trusted people who had other interest in mind. Maybe it is not possible.

Some of the dreams you need to learn how to give up.

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Most dreams are not real otherwise they would not be called a dream.As marines say we need one good man to get up and say the emperor was naked...

I have not put my life on hold waiting . But many in Chabad are gambling with the future of their next generations.

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The irony of the shluhim making money off God, while their base is ready to assimilate.

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Why last 6 ? It started going off at 6!

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Please keep these coming. Love them!

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R Baruch Shimen Schneerson wasa Galician desc of the Zemach Zedek. Massive lamdan .

The Pinsk karlin had an election for Rebbe but now too that's dynastic.

At this moment there are no overt candidates nor f


I was involved in a misguided effort years ago,with the proper leader,we could have built a community.But we had a Lubavitzer huckster as our leader.

Had Bere Gourary taken leadership,we would have many recruits.

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The other divisions of Chabad like Bobroisk and Kapust did not last long enough to welcomed the influence of American culture. They have less baggage than Lubvatich. Why not call for the revival to begin where they left off?

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So who is going to lead mi berosh?

I always hoped that one of Reb Baruch Dhimens grandchildren would revive classic Chabad,Maamorim,small farbrenguns,European feel yechidus and leave the PR and $$to the new royalty of 770.

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That is a good question. I heard, perhaps incorrectly, that Stolin would elect their rebbe democratically. If so, that is a precedent, and these grandchildren can simply be nominated for the leadership? Now all that is needed are the chassidim to vote for them.

(Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Reb Baruch Dhimens. What is his story?)

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Bobroisk was the hemshech of Kopust.

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The Kapust derech must have had some kind of staying power. Where did it come from? Numbers?

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Kopust,Lady,and independent Chabad are all legit interpretations of Chabad.today no Chabad branch has a Rebbe or leader.

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Of course. If you had to bring one back which would it be? Or may it does not matter. They all have their own flavor of Chabad chassidut and tribal history which does not always look upon other interpretations favorably.

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If they did,would mean Shluchim failed. Also they don't really care,it's about let the good times roll cutting edge food liquor,new great singing stars, and upbeat

Most Chabad youth have no time for introspection,and when they do,suicide seems like an option.

CH needs dozens of mental health prod and they need to de program the cult busters,who busy other Jews pockets

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The emissaries themselves on on the path towards assimilation.

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It's astonishing how the generation, that grew up after the Rebbe, doesn't even see intermarriage as a problem.

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Every time I broaden the theme, you bring it back to one subject.

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The recent drama in the Israeli news of Instagram Ultra-orthodox influencer Chabad shlucah (who thought those words would ever be put together?) Libby Nachimovsky, her husband, and there very public divorce appears to prove your point.

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