A great deal of Chabad activity in ex USSR is either funded by or more importantly designed to make money for various Chabad shluchim ,via Israel or international mafia.

We saw evidence in Seattle ,and R Goldstein amongst others.

So besides fund raising and PR laundering is another major Chabad activity.

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My Rebbe the dor shmini and for hemshech as they a"recht eynikel" said that he never saw a Chabad shliach go on a mission and not gain material advantages perhaps a bit exaggerated but food for thought.

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That’s completely ridiculous, the complete opposite is the case 90% of the time (basing off myself, my own childhood and the multitudes of Shluchim I know). Couldn’t let that slide

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If you can tell where you grew up? It is very different geographically. Some towns are excessively rich and the others poor for shluchim. Also depends on a shliyach some are into religion, but most “successful” ones are into money. Case in point, Dnepropetrovsk, a mafia center.

Here in Boston, most are in the second category. I think Zalman also based his information on his hometown.

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Southern California

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Author

We are not talking about small-time chabad geshevt, this presidential corruption. Doesn't get bigger than that. Weaponized DOJ.

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