Anti semitism on campus is a serious issue not discussed by our sensationalist media looking for a story l

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As so called bad it is most Jewish parents would kill to get their kids admitted to Ivy League schools especially if you are not bigger down by kippah

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Don't know much about higher Ed in Russia but over 75%of Russian Jews I met after 1970 had post grad education. People like Branover Silver and these are frum guys wait I lived in a building inWH for 24 years with mostly Russian immigrants all were doctors,piano tuners ,academics of all ages Need I remind yoy we also had restrictive admissions for Jews until the late 1970s so please stop complaining.

Jews in US have a religion called Democrat party FDR ,JFJ and now our enenies.

As a long time grad student in Columbia and NYU,most of grad education in B's Just look in the journals for last 29 years and this goes for so called Judaic studies too.Of course some 25%of wirk iserious.

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You have no idea how mush worse it got after your time in Columbia.

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