On the subject of Sound No. 6 - Sholem Aleichem: The Eclipse of the Schneerson Family. This is one of the boys sitting with his parents in the family photo: Devora Leah Schneerson Ginsburg with her Family. He was 22 when the photo was taken in 1900. So, this might be the young man sitting next to his mother on the right, per comments the young man standing behind him is Dov Ber with his wife.
Member of the revolutionary movement in Russia. A Social Democrat. Born in Vitebsk, son 1st Merchant's Guild Trader, he was a relative of the artist Marc Chagall. Until 1903, he was a member of the Bund. The party nicknames are "Alpha", "Sergey", "Leonid". In 1904, he participated in the Yakut protest. Member of the Society of Political Prisoners. He died on November 3, 1927, and was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery (1st uch. 47 row).
Source: Гинзбург Арон Мовшевич (Моисеевич).
Ginzburg, Aron Movshevich (Moiseevich) ("Alpha", "Sergey", "Leonid", in prison — "Baron"), son 1st Merchant's Guild Trader. Born 3 Dec. 1878. Homeschooled in Vitebsk until the spring of 1899. Passed the exam for the certificate at Kazan 2nd gymnasium. Entered Kazan university in the autumn of the year. Department of the physics and mathematics. Even before entering the University, he was involved in the revolutionary circles. A few months after enrolling as a student, he joined the local social-democratic group. While living here, delivered illegal literature for Kazan workers, bringing it from Vitebsk. On Aug. 30, 1900, he was arrested in Vitebsk during the raid of the Bundist organization. During the search, 3,693 copies of illegal publications were found in his possession. Brought as evidence in the case of the Vitebsker "Bund". He was accused of belonging to the named organization, in participating in agitation among the factory population of Vitebsk and distributing the literature. He was held in custody until May 5, 1901, then released on bail of 5,000 rubles. From May to October 1902 he actively worked in the Yekaterinoslav organization of the RSDLP? as a member of the committee. From Yekaterinoslav, he went to Kiev for party work, but did not enter into work because of the Party disagreements in Kiev. At the end of February 1903, he left for his homeland Vitebsk, where he was sentenced in his case from 1900. 4 years of exile in the Far East. Siberia. March 10, 1903 he was imprisoned in Vitebsk. A few days later, he was released on bail of 15 thousand rubles, in connection with the “permission for him to go into exile at his own expense”. On April 3, 1903, he was arrested again in Vitebsk, and an illegal brochure on "Sending students to Siberia" was found in his possession. He was brought to a new inquest. On May 12, 1903, he left Vitebsk for Siberia and arrived in Moscow and then in Aug. to Yakutsk… [you get the idea].

Here is a man who had everything, grandfather is a famous Rabbi, father one of the oligarchs of his day and Aron dedicated his life to the exiles, prisons, and revolution. He felt things were so bad that there is literally no price high enough to pay for a better tomorrow. As I said before, meshichism runs in our families, especially the Schneerson family. Always with the same result though, ruin.
What is the relationship to Marc Chagall?
Interesting that he shares a stone with his daughter. I suppose his original stone was replaced.