Jan 9Liked by צמח

Mr Gruzim,

The Alter Rebbe raised money for Maamad and Eretz Yisroel,today everyone in Chabad is fund raising for himself as everyone is a shliach !

Mosfos are proprietary ie for profit as the Yeshiva hs in New Haven, I a poor Jew get dozens of CH return address envelopes weekly and more from Chabad with address in NYC. THEN there is massive fund raising from Chabad in Russia with all manners of front groups

As alleged non profits may we know what some of these guys are making?.What is Krinskys salary?

How much does the chief rabbi of Russia make ?

Give me a break all Chabad today is essentially PR and fund tàising and now private people using Chabad brand to make money.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

I live in a town where there are approximately 30-20 "shluchim", they have no visible benefit to the community or intermarriage. There are no shules that I can attend. They all live above middle-class level. They all have the number of kids that middle-class citizens of America can't afford, ditto their houses. They have no education or skills. All they do is sell the Rebbe. Holy grift?

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deletedJan 9
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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

All conversations with you reach the dead end of fundamental disagreement on values. Never fails.

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Pompous unexamined bullshit

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Jan 9Liked by צמח

770 was originally a high class abortion clinic.Just a fact

Next 770 has been weaponized for a long time like destroying Rabbi Gourary apt to expand the library as if there was no other space in CH.But like our Woke friends the Chabad people tried to wipe out any memory of Rabbi Gourary,no mosfos named for him,no kids named after him,no official biography and no place where he resided.BH Halacha forbids statues otherwise it would too have been destroyed.

Chabad needs to get back to basics learning,davening,contemplation and spiritual leadership.

Leave fund raising and PR to the front office.

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deletedJan 9·edited Jan 9
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Not until you witness multiple cases of it, as a pure grift. Every "loft" has its limitations.

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Fund raising,I am not 25 years old,BH much older ,this I vividly recall as a child local Anash who taught cheder all day,yet had time for hafotza.They did not fund raise.

Putting up a metal menorah,blowing shofar in the park ukedome are not full time jobs.

The shluchim need real jobs and stop shnorrinm.See what Ram am paskens about those who do nothing all day.

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deletedJan 9
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Yeshiva in 770 have been neglected during the life of the Rebbe. As all other institutions, besides fundraising.

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deletedJan 9·edited Jan 9
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There comes a point, like mihu yehudi, when the Rebbe blinked at the core moment. It is all connected. Core principles of lifelong struggle abandoned in a fund-raising session.

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deletedJan 9·edited Jan 9
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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

Chabad has been hiding their rudderless problem (why hurt the business) but eventually, it burst out for all to see in a carnival display like this event. Everyone is filming, so now even MSM wants to get in the action of the ridiculous clips.

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