Jan 15Liked by צמח

Much truth here.

Spitz Chabad - term created by Rebbe r ex nehillo was not used prior to 1950.

Al Capone went to the big house not for his murders rather for a more pedestrian matter,tax evasion issuesl

Rather these characters the real Chabad people will destroy Chabad by undermining their PRand forcing their hucksters in to an apologetic mode.Its not my screeds that will do that neither will this platform or Rabbi David Berger

But people are not fools and most know these are the same odd guys preaching love,and goodwill and asking for their $$. They are all shabad or Chabad or not too bad.

So to me but it all boils down to lack of leadership,on part of teachers,rabbis and PARENTS(who are probably crazier than their kids).

So in 1994 middle level execs did not want a new Rebbe,rather their hand was in the cash register and PRmachine.

Now they real not only interest in their financial portfolio,but reap the practical results of their greed.

It's late but if the crown jewel of chassisuth is to be saved from Madison Ave and Wall st,the Chabad prolotariat must demand a new spiritual leader who has more than a good name and a newly minted auto permit.

We need a Rebbe!

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You are having trouble letting go of the idea. Not only the Rebbe is dead but the movement is dead. Guess what, the Rebbe made sure it is dead after he passed. But it will probably die anyhow.

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Jan 15Liked by צמח

Some Litvishe rabbis these were giants like Rav Chaim Ozer and Rav Baruch Ber.

If Ramash had studied with them his behavior would have been very different beyn Adam lChaveiro.

Just look at his ear against the only grandchild of Nasi hador,against Rachel,against Rebetzen Chane Gourary and his war against his own Trotsky,one RASHAG.Instead of a dagger he created Ohele Torah.

As for shmini said Asher nasi yechteh from our Holy Torah

Ramash wa a great political leader like Rabbi Sherer but a chasidim Rebbe,one wonders.

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I edit my posts continuously. Typos, style.

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