On the subject of The Revolutionary Anatoly Abramovich Schneerson, AKA Natan Alexandrovich Schneerson, Party name Ерёма, Party name Фридрих and Forgotten Schneersons who Converted to Communism and were killed in Stalin's Purges and Sound No. 6 - Sholem Aleichem: The Eclipse of the Schneerson Family.
After a tip in the comments here and some legwork. I think we have a read on who was this man. Here is the book published in Petrograd, list all Merchants of the 1st and 2nd gild registered in the short period between November from 1st 1899 to February 1st, 1890.
The book lists one Schneerson registered in that time:
Schneerson Abram Levikovitch, 39 years old, Jewish religion, education “at home”. Kupetz (Merchant) from 1884…. His Business (textile)’. Home and business address.
Wife: Nachama Zalmanovna
Sons: Girsh, 18
Shmerka, 14
Mendel 13
Eliog 10
Naftali-Gertz, 9 (this is our menshevik AKA Anatoly Abramovich Schneerson born in 1881 and 9 when the book is published)
Daughters: Kreina, Feiga, Chaya-Doba
Son of Boruch Sholem and grandson of Tzemach Tzedek was a Rov in Podobranka לוי יצחק שניאורסון
He had three sons (see there), brothers:
Avrohom is the businessman father of the murdered revolutionary Anatoly Abramovich Schneerson.Mendel isMendel RepkerBoruch Schneur Zalman is Ramash’s grandfather and father of Levik
I think we got a wrong Avrohom. Here is Levik ben Avrohom, nephew of Mendel Repker but his is not in the list of this Avrohom’s children, and socially he is a different bird.
Update 1 (maybe):
See Kreina there, so Chaim Avrohom named his daughter Kreina after his mother. So Naftali-Gertz ben Chaim Avrohom AKA Anatoly Abramovich Schneerson is not from the Tzemach Tzedek line or a relative of Ramash, but Chaim Avrohom’s father Levi Itzchok was literally Alter Rebbe's Einikle, a great-grandson of the Alter Rebbe.
And sorry to say this, but some of Anatoly Abramovich Schneerson’s siblings not only assimilated, but evidently baptized. And you know his story…
A son Hirsch and a son Naftali Hertz?
Seems like the same name practically.
Can we assume Hirsch was Tzvi Hirsch?