On the subject of Did the Rayatz recreate the Chabad movement from scratch?
Professor Jonathan Meir tells the story of the Kherson geniza (in Hebrew), and its role in Rayatz’s creative writing. Formation of a new of Chabad mythology on the pages of HaTomin in Warsaw.
Turn off Russian subtitles, too bad you can’t turn off very annoying background music.
More evidence that Barry Gourary memorial library has a primary function to hide things. What else are they hiding? We know what they are hiding. Ramash’s and Rayatz’s family archive. If anything left after Ramash’s alleged burnings of documents.
By the way, inside this fake geniza is most important for Chabad information. A direct connection between Besht and Alter Rebbe. This was vitally significant for Rayatz in Warsaw, where he was in direct competition with established Polish Rebbes.