Dec 9, 2022Liked by צמח

My speculation is that she does not have much positive to say about MMS, and the truths about her father (non shomer shabbos etc) will be devastating for the Lubavitch Echelon to handle. That could be why they haven't done any official interviews with her. Surely if she had glowing positive remarks about MMS they would have offered her a nice sum of money to do an interview. Imagine how they can spin that "Lubavitcher Rebbe living niece talks about her esteemed uncle"

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Chabad today is more of a business enterprise than a Chasidic court or religious organization.

Talk of expansion,new ideas,fund raising income,new franchises etc

Any talk about the literature of movement,understanding,personal religious growth,and guidance by a living rebbe

Indeed there is talk by new age Chabad gurus who read new age books and regurgitate for their ignorant masses and Baale Teshuvath.

For the tweens they offer Messianism as a safety valve,I suspect Aguch has no problem with Messianism as long as they don't intefer with the millionaires. On the contrary Messianism is good to keep the youth satisfied.

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I think, no matter what you do, you end up abused and exploited by someone. This is an eternal mystery. The young people can be helped, but they don't want to and will throw this back in your face. Or punch it in your face, actually. These clowns like Shemtov and Krinsky are only unwitting actors in the relentless drama of the retched life. If not them, someone else will take the place.

The only mystery is that Jews have always been a rebellious bunch and here you have a group submerged in the obedient, intimidating salience. One would expect more rebels there. But then there is the escape valve and paradoxically Shlichus is also an escape valve. Otherwise, CH and Chabad itself, would have exploded long time ago.

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Good post

I believe they are now divorced.

Ariel is indeed named for her gf,but why not Are Leib.

In an interview with Rabbi SA Halperin in 1994 ,he said perhaps these 2sons may yet be leaders.

If course that's nonsense,more likely new leader would be a Krinsky or Shemtov,why give away a money cow ?

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022Author

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Rebels in Chabad.

I see many have trimmed beards and have modern clothing

Despite it's very serious drop out problems,this movement claims to be the answer to the issues of secular Jews

In addition they have a vast Propoganda network aimed solely at other frum Jews ie Y.U ,Lakewood ,yeshivish and other Hasidic groups.

Chabad Propoganda posits that Chabad is the highest form of Judaism and perhaps the only legitimate Judaism

Question can one be an erliche yid without interfacing with Chabad ?

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