The great mischeling writer Sergey Dovlatov:
"Мы без конца проклинаем товарища Сталина, и, разумеется, за дело. И все же я хочу спросить — кто написал четыре миллиона доносов? Дзержинский? Ежов? Абакумов с Ягодой?"
"We curse Comrade Stalin endlessly, and, of course, for the cause. And yet, I want to ask — who wrote the four million denunciations?""
On the subject of Post No. 4 - The Departure of Boris Markovich Schneerson.
In the archival documents there is a signed form regarding the execution of Boris Schneerson. Already published here.
There is a significant website run by Denis Karagodin about the murder of his great-grandfather. His grandfather was killed in 1938 in Tomsk, just a few months after the murder of Boruch Sholem in Moscow. Denis Karagodin works to reveal the names of every minor prole in the Tomsk Prison and broadly names and pictures of people responsible for the Great Purge killing machine in the entire country.
Denis found documents with the same signature as the signature on the execution form of Boruch Sholem Schneerson. The name of the killer was Шевелёв, Иван Григорьевич, here is his resume. Denis calls Ivan Grigoryevich Shevelev a suspect in the murder of Stepan Karagodin. The killer has a Wiki page. Died in 1998 as an honorable citizen, a KGB General. He probably did not actually pull the trigger, but maybe ran a killing brigade. Who knows, perhaps he was a teacher or a superior of the KGB officer Vova Putin.
When people ask why we “forgive” the Germans but hold a “grudge” against Ukraine, the answer is because the Germans showed the remorse.
The CCCP and it’s successor state never came clean about the murders. Appointing a KGB man to head the country was as much of a taboo 20 years ago as it is today. So was the breaking of that sacred taboo to have any dealing with Putin, like Chabad did for 20 years. I am always flabbergasted that even people who grew up in the CCCP lost sight of it. But then there is the saying of Sergey Dovlatov.