It is sad that the culture in which Chabad prospered has been forgotten.

Ditto as to the language Yiddish to a extent not known amongst other Chasidic groups.

The history too has been a victim except for a few studies.

Yes you are correct as to contemporary Chabad issues Chiefly are PR, fund raising,conversion art efforts among other Torah observant Jews and take overs of semi defunct syns.

It gives Uforatzto new meaning.

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The Leningrad siege was another tragic chapter of the Holocaust.

As I've noted several times the Leader rarely spoke or wrote about this event.

Although a excellent events planner,he miscalculated here as by 1978 Holocaust became a primary (Sinai event in words of Schacter) event of Jewrys identity.But unlike meditation feminism and other issues the leader didn't budge Chabad had no relationship to Holocaust ,Groups like Satmar,Get Bobov,Zandz Pinsk-Karlin are different.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023Author

I am not sure Chabad cares about anything besides their cult. They erased the past and exchanged it with a new religion. What do we have in common? Not much.

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Although many Lubavitcher Chasidim starved to death during the seige, today's group is more interested in conversations about Nepal,South Dakota and Berlin.

No sense of history in the least.

Keep up this important work

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These are stunning, and a side of Yudovin I haven't seen before. There's a sense of space, of the void, in them that his other work often doesn't have.

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If you have seen these pictures or not, the culture, the tradition is no more. That is the only thing that counts.

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Whatever happened to the Art Institute on Kingston Ave ?

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