
Although I saw him ,I didn't know Reb Mendel.

Always thought he was the real Chabad.

Instead he was a more acceptable version of Reb Yoel,and worshipped the Rebbe.

He and others like him could have used their personal to try to get Lubavitch to appoint a new leader.Rather he just spoke of hiskashrus.

Those years in jail must have had an effect on him.

Why give the US a pass ,many here believe RMMS was messiah,others seem to think he was divine

When history is written only a few like Rabbi Hasofer of BG University will go down as heroes,others as sheep followers and opportunists.p

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In the case of Reb Mendel and many who came from the CCCP they just flipped the cult of personalty script from Stalin to Rebbe. This is exceedingly sad and the worse case scenario possible. Now the irony is the prison photo of Reb Mendel is published on the anti-meshichist establishment website. But they don't even recognized that their heroes are people who started Meshichism in the 1st place.

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I actually can understand why Lubavitch did not appoint a new Rebbe. They should be a joke like Bobov (which is a joke since 1905) , Satmar , Boyan etc? Lubavich uses fancy words like "dor 7"

but i am afraid that this is the real reason.

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deletedSep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by צמח
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Russian-style of התקשרות

Is it?? I would call it more Volhyner Rizhin-Chernobil style. It did not exist in Chabad until Rashab. Toire from the Rebbe was more important than every move or the type of hat that the Rebbe had

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I did not have a zchus to know Reb Mendel closely, but had once a 30 min talk to him when i was 13.5. He was a very noble man and a huge oived hashem, and I agree on everything you said above. I would not mess with him, even though some critic everybody can handle.

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First lets do the history. He was in Russia arrested for document tampering not for spreading yiddishkeit. He left russia and start a failed business in london. Then was instructed to move to kfar chabad in the 70's. Not to be little his history, he was the old timer and informed the younger generation of the glugs and hardships.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022Author

There is an edit button where you can edit your comments, just a tip. I can't edit your comment but you can.

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Dude, you are off by sooo much, I should not even respond. Saving jews you call document tamering???Building mikvos is nothing??wow...

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deletedSep 4, 2022Liked by צמח
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Yes, ridiculous attempt to belittle him above. If you want to criticize him, there are other things. Reb Shmuel Levitin supposedly said about him, "ער איז א חסידישע איד - אבער א משפיע אויף בחורים?!". I once told this story to Reb Adin Steinsaltz, who was a student of R' SK Kesselman, and asked him why he thinks Reb Shmuel thought SKK was a mashpia but not MMFF. He answered me by jabbing me hard in the stomach - "this is the job of a mashpia!" Reb Mendel was pure love and patriotism for his fellow Chasidim and their Rebbes. He was not an educator who could teach young bochurim to daven in the way of Chabad. In general he was mainly preoccupied with getting everyone to go to the Rebbe (the Rebbe was already old and Reb Mendel surely knew there wouldn't be another one, this explains the psychology of a lot of the rest of people's behavior in those times...) and learning Tanya Baal Peh. Reb Mendel was old Chabad if your old Chabad is post-WW1 Chabad. But he never learned in the OG Tomchei Temimim of Libavutch in the good times, he mainly knew the chabad of Mesiras Nefesh. Also, the post is actually wrong about Kfar Chabad. The administration of the yeshiva wanted him to work for them and he wasn't sure, so they asked the Rebbe to please tell him to accept the job and he did. It wasn't the Rebbe's idea that he should become Mashpia.

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Hey Reb Mendel, what is your explanation why meshichism is so popular in Israel? Besides crazy Tzfat, what happens when, like you write, it is all about the Rebbe?

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You're right, that's why Shmuel Levitin thought he wasn't right for the job. Was referring to the comment above claiming that Reb Mendel didn't have Mesiras Nefesh for yidishkeit.

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The problem is not the terminology but the reality, for example it is hard to miss the point of reference of the crosswalk posters, for starters. I mean for starters.

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