The concept that Chabad was the sole answer to the troubles of world Jewry started after 1927.

Clearly Rashab cooperated with other rabbis in Czarist Russia

RMMS decided that it was a no brainer positing Chabad as the sole repository of authentic Judaism enabled him to strengthen his own troops and send his boys and ladies out to spread the good news with him in mind.

On the other hand most of Orthodox Jewry failed the moment.

In 1990 YU,Fakewood,other Chasidic groups should have set up outposts in Russia.

Stolin is the only group that answered the call.

Yes no one gives a d... It's all about money.

Individuals have gone but where is YU? WHERE is Bar Ilan ?

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Honest question:

If the goal is “answering the troubles of world Jewry”, and specifically setting up outposts in Russia, then what’s the issue with Chabad filling that role?

As you say, most of Orthodox Jewry failed the moment. Would you rather Chabad go down with them, or succeed?

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Proxy ?

None of us know the trajectory of Russian Jews if Kerensky had retained control.

Most probably would be very akin to US Jewry.

Strong Zionist element 1918-1980 intermarriage and a moderately successful yeshiva world in northern region.

Clearly Chabad had a market appeal and there would be some Chasidic communities.

By and large Russian Jews would be highly educated,well integrated and intermarried.

Hence Schneerson family were to be no exception

The present day tragedy of post Soviet Russian Jews is failure to have a modern Orthodox and right wing Conservative Jew communities

Just imagine US Jewry with Satmar Lakewood and Chabad on one side and Temple Emanuel on the other.No YU no Young Israel,no OU no Orthodox academics,nohigh schools like Maimonides ,Ramaz,Crown etc no camps,nothing except assimilation and baby machines.

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Clearly, no one cares about the fate of Jews not Satmar, not Chabad, just you are I Zalman. But we can witness to the truth.

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Re Mr Berkowitz.

I was not protesting Chabad activities in Russia rather their assuming a position that they are the only true Judaism and that all Jews need to adopt their brand witness their activities not only among unchurched Jews but indeed their stealth work in Williamsburg Lakewood Borough Park among Jews whose standards in areas like znius,Tora study, and more are stricter than most Chabad people.

All the while a fair share of Chabad very own youth are drifting away from Torah values,many into activities I would not write about.

Next I stand by my criticism of YU ,Bar Ilan etc,can you or any other Chabad fellow traveller even offer 1criticism if Chabad? Maybe the style of their hats or quality of their chow ?

Finally what about the Schneerson family since Hashem talks to us through reality how is it that almost all desc. Of Zemach Zedek and then Maharash left Orthodoxy including RMMS brother and his first cousins?.

Chazal state keshot atzmecho! then on others,yet RMMS told his boys not to bother his niece Mrs Dalia R in Israel.

I don't care what Chabad does in Russia,but a MO presence in Russia would be healthy but you are correct that's not Chabad problem.

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