On the subject of Sound No. 6 - Sholem Aleichem: The Eclipse of the Schneerson Family.
Зиновий Абрамович Са́жин (настоящее имя — Соломон Абрамович Шнеерсо́н; 1903—1968) — советский актёр.
Soviet actor Solomon Abramovich Schneerson, stage name Zinovy Abramovich Sazhin. Who knows, might be Levik’s (Margolia’s father) brother? Or, perhaps Yisroel Noach of Nezhin had a son Avrohom, brother-in-law of the Rayatz. A birth around Chernigov might point to the Nezhiner line, it’s the Nezhiner territory. Although it says that the Nezhiner Reb Avrohom moved to Kishinev after the wedding. So, maybe the father of the actor is indeed Margolia’s grandfather Avrohom Sender (this one)? There are other Schneerson Avrohoms like the father of Menshevik Anatoly, but that Avrohom had children in St. Petersburg.
Solomon Abramovich Schneerson was born on May 16 (May 29), 1903 in the village of Sosnitsa (Chernihiv region, Ukraine).
1921 - graduated from the Drama Studio in Kiev.
1922 - Experimental Heroic Theater under the direction of B. A. Ferdinandov in Moscow.
1924-1930 - worked in the Pedagogical Workshop/Theater of G. L. Roshal.
1930-1936 — actor and head of the literary part of the Bauman Theater for children.
1936-1941- the Moscow Theater for Children.
1941 - Russian Academic Youth Theater.
Since 1928, he has been teaching at the studios of children's amateur theater.
In 1953-1959 he taught in the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.
1960 he worked at the Gnessin School (musical comedy course).
Author of plays for children's theater and articles on children's theater. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Stalin Prize of the Third Degree in 1950 for playing the role of Cook in the play "I want to go home" by S. V. Mikhalkov.
He died on August 26, 1968. He was buried in Moscow at the Donskoy Cemetery. This is the same cemetery that has the Common Grave for the victims of Stalin’s purges with at least three Schneersons.
We now remember!