Excellent pod! I’ve been telling anyone who will listen the history of Petliura and shwartzbard since Russia invaded Ukraine. My great grandparents and their entire family, other than my grandmother and her sister were burned alive in the Shul in Tetiyev during the Ukrainian genocide of the Jews of the city in 1920. https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/tetiev/massacresoftetiev.htm
Excellent pod! I’ve been telling anyone who will listen the history of Petliura and shwartzbard since Russia invaded Ukraine. My great grandparents and their entire family, other than my grandmother and her sister were burned alive in the Shul in Tetiyev during the Ukrainian genocide of the Jews of the city in 1920. https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/tetiev/massacresoftetiev.htm
Bless the memory of the Jews of Tetiyev!
I had an issue with my line, a low sound. Now I changed the mic setting, and it is too loud. Will get to the right volume next time, hopefully.