RMS was a personality substitute for Torah for tradition and for true religion.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

You can’t possibly believe the crap you write in this article.

“Trump Rallies are like Rebbe’s farbrengens, a running in the loop of the same catchphrases over and over.“

Have you ever watched a single complete Farbrengen of the Rebbe, and witnessed the thousands of chiddushei Torah that left his mouth throughout his 40+ years of farbrenging?

If I didn’t have a day job I would quote and explain the absurdness every line of this literal pile of horse manure.

What do you have against Chabad? Did a bochur on the street once not see your yarmulka and mistakenly ask if you were Jewish? Or did you receive too many Parsha emails from the Shliach in your area?

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I haven't “watched” a single farbrengen, but I attended and witnessed many.

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This is a pilpul.

I prefer a more logical analysis leaving Trump out.

Orthodox Judaism as reimagined after the Holocaust was text centered or tradition centered.

That served those who are able to navigate our piles of texts and or those born in traditional families.

But alas many of us have little interest in books and Talmud or chasiduth and we're not raised in Jewish tradition.

Here comes RAMASH and provides an alternative a living icon ,who in his person provided ample legitimacy of ones Jewishness

And he provided this to those who were observant but even more so to thousands who don't need to change their lifestyle ,just some how pay allegiance to the Rebbe.

In addition he provided maga hats ie Lubavitz talledim,Chabad siddurin Chabad mikvaot,Chabad refilling a uniform etc etc.

This no need for serious study and for some no need for serious obserSvance just do the magic trick state the Rebbe is the greatest Rabbi of all time and cut a check to the shliach and you are a good Jee.

No other group Modern Ortho,Chasidic or Yeshivish offers quick results.

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Reb Zalman, text and tradition oriented? The Rebbe did not invent a personality-based religion, that's what the Hasidim were all about. Maybe he took it to a different level, though.

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