It's a strange event.

Trump ,the fool he is was convinced by handlers that Chabad is Judaism. As Rav Shach stated it's the religion closest to Judaism,but to me it seems closer to Madison Ave,Hollywood and pop culture

Chabad without a leader is not Chabad,rather it's a sophisticated PR apperatus good at fund raising but offering zero in genuine Jewish feeling or spirituality. What pray tell me was the Rebbe's unique spiritual message to us?

Many contemporary Chasidim leaders have commented I about the idiocy of current Chabad. But I'll protect their identity but as one said Chabad has lost its soul,how sad,it makes me cry eykh naflu giborim !

The background to all of this is a massive number of young people mostly geza joining. OTD or Bud Lite brand . But the so called leadership there only is concerned about PR ,fund raising and a massive amount of internal strife not over halacha or ruchnius as in days of Mittler Rebbe and Reb Aaron but over power kavod and money. Of course nepotism reigns on all levels of Chabad!!

Yes indeed Eyn od milvado,there is nothing in Chabad as important as their own massive egos. It's all about money PR ETC

In these Yeme Horachamim I urge 770 to return to the derech of the first 6 leaders avderrch of pnimius a derech of study hence the moniker Chabad and a derech the opposite of their current triumphalism.

Start by initiating a serious conversation about spiritual leadership ,beyond finely combed facial growth,juvenile humor and a need for kavod and more and more power and nepotism.

Chadesh yameinu kekedem,in the words of Rabbi Zalman Schneerson -noch dos benk ikh - I yearn for the real glory days of Chabad. when Chabad chasid presented a unique portrait of an ADAM.

Gmar chadima Tova to all

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It seems you always ignore what I write. Or better say, not hear it.

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To accomplish this, they need to get rid of the centrality of the Rebbe Cult. I struggle to see what else is left in Chabad. For example, I can't go to any Chabad shule in the world because of that Christian worship of the man. The ubiquitous icons, etc.

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I hear you.But today's world demands a sheriff or marshal,needless to say a living law man like Matt Dillon,or Chuck Connors.He need not be a dictator or cult leader.Few other Chasidim groups are such. In fact he need not be a Rebbe,just a serious spiritual leader.tragically the last Rebbe was so larger than life,no serious leaders could grow.Hencebwe have "shays",Jacobson brothers and Manis and as Huel Long would say Everyone a Mashpiah. This one for girls this one for Bats this one for himself,this one for cats and dogs and many desecrating Hashems name on the treifa internet with their foolishness and haughty delivery style

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It would be nice if Chabad not only worshipped the Rebbe but also followed his lifestyle not just wearing Arrow shirts and adaptive mannerisms.

How about for starters modest life style?

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Iconic Picture.

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