Speaking of pictures.

The Rebbe spent at least 13 years in France and Germany,yet all we have are a few pictures either about his wedding time or 2with this father in law.

Are we expected to believe no pictures exist all thos years?

Interesting no pictures with other people,why was he a recluse we even have photos or Rav Yoel of Satmar with his wife

Maharash picture would be most interesting but 20 more pictures of Rebbe

from 1929-1942 would tell us more about Rebbe than all the so called biographies by Telushkin,Deutsch,Oberlaender.Heilman,Steinsaltz and others.

Alas they will never see the light of day

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Given the cult of personality that has dominated Chabad since at least 1992,the Schneerson family plays no role in Chabad.

The Rashags apt was eliminated from the face of the earth.

In Chabad histories people like Rabbi Shilom Ber Gourary are well non people.

There are no Chabad schools etc named for either R Moshe Horrnstein or his son Rabbi MM Horrnstein.

Not to speak about others.

Of course a select few are still interested in Schneerson family but as an academic subject but not as part of the Chassidus ,as yorzaits are not marked

As in post 1918 Russia there is a new nobility Krinsky,Shemtovs ,Cunin,Herson etc

So few care about Schneerson family with a hat or without a hat.

It's all about 1person as we say Eyn od milvado

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The cult started 1950, witness the citizenship ceremony and how it was staged. In 1992 even Ramash became irrelevant and worshiped as an abstract mascot AKA JC.

So, who cares about the actual details of Ramash life, he now transcends reality.

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deletedMay 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023
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I would start with identifying the photos taken by Bere. So, his authorship is preserved. Now it's one big pile and an ugly logo attached to it.

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Family ask the Chasidim after all they are rebbe's children hence Betes first cousins and they are all experts at PR and photo ops so the shluchim can run this institute with at least 50 new pictures of shluchim and shluchith daily.

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Is the alleged photo of Rebbetzin Rivka censored? As far as I know it's of very recent origin, and from a dubious source. From the Kusher family archive, I think it is not - since as far as I know it's part of a glutt of objects that appeared for sale.

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That's why I wrote alleged post of Rebbtzin Rivka. But the photo of the Maharash exists, but is censored in Chabad.

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