Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by צמח

"If you dig deeper, there is nothing separating communism and the Messianic revolution. Both falsely and astoundingly claim that we, mortal subjects, can change the world. "

Accusations are confessions; and narcissism warps even the clearest head. Nothing can be further from the truth. Communist are far from believing in agency and liberty, in action and failings; in the libertine pursuit of excellence and perfection. Communism argues just the opposite: It is this narcissism of utopic ideas; the embrace of nihilism and pacifism.

Messianic revolution is also the same. The belief of a redeemer that will solve all the worlds problems; so you can sit on your tuchus. True R' Mendel said go out and do something...and some did. The rest who stayed were action drained, with their brains not far behind.

Ask Nietzsche and Jung. Read some Edward Teach MD.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Did Jung ever use “narcissism”? No. It is one of the fake American disorders. Try to say this again without using “narcissism”. It might improve your logic.

What I am discussing here is a very difficult concept. I have been thinking about it for decades, and I admit my delivery can be much improved. But I am certain the outline is correct.

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P.S. I do enjoy your writing! So this is me engaging :)

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Sure. It's the central tenant of communist intellectualism. What don't they want you to believe? Call it Ego and the shadow of impotence, call it Narcissism, call it Unter-Mentch and the passivity of religious dogma. Call it whatever you like. But one thing it wants you to believe is that doing nothing is best! That you listen most to the super-ego, trust the super-daddy, to fix all your problems. And of course, all problems will be solved.

You are absolved from acting.

If they argue you can change the world, and do something, how are they to control you? To feed you their 'media'? To feed you the system? And, unfortunately, capitalism has suffered too with this malady (though it has built in cures). Who doesn't want to make a dollar, just for you to sit on your Tush?

The issue with Messianism is exactly so. The absolving of acting. Your whole life accomplishment is devotion to a head. Any individual accomplishments of excellence? No, we are Gezhe; Handed down greatness from above; We are absolved of all actions of import. Communism says the same; excellence is not woke bro (The Ford that Hitler admired, Stalin abhorred*; envy is the sin). As for your version? Why do anything when it's all useless! Despair, old as time; the demon of inaction; performance anxiety.

[In 1929, Communist leader Jay Lovestone informed Stalin in Moscow that the American proletariat wasn't interested in revolution. Stalin responded by demanding that he end this "heresy of American exceptionalism."]

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I sometimes hope that people would not understand my heresy.

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