On the subject of GULAG Victims from the Schneerson Family - Шнеерсон ГУЛАГ.
Film Director and Actor from the Meyerhold Theater
I kept thinking, who was this man, and why was this Jew allowed to live in Moscow?
Date of birth: 1896 [five years younger than Boris Markovich Schneerson]
Place of birth: Moscow [very unusual]
Gender: male
Nationality: Jewish
Place of residence: Moscow
Date of arrest: 1930
Charge: counter-revolutionary activity
Conviction: September 8, 1937
Date of execution: October 16, 1937 [note they killed him 7 years after the arrest, he survived 7 years in Solovki prison camp, unreal “achievement”. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn called Solovki camp the "mother of the GULAG"]
Date of rehabilitation: August 11, 1989
There is one snippet about Boris that sheds some light on his life and fate:
“По этим же статьям 1 сентября 1930 г. в Москве был арестован и приговорен к десяти годам Соловков актер театра Мейрхольда и кинорежиссер Борис Соломонович Шнеерсон. Причиной ареста послужило то, что его мать жила в Париже, и сам Шнеерсон вел переговоры с парижской кинофирмой о совместной работе.”
“On September 1, 1930, was areasted and sent to 10 years in Solovki prison camp, an actor at the Meyrhold Theater [from 1925] and film director Boris Solomonovich Schneerson. The reason for the arrest was that his mother lived in Paris, and Schneerson himself was negotiating with a Parisian film company about working together.” [as if they needed for a reason]
Who can be a Schneerson in Paris at that time? Wasn’t there a Maharash’s granddaughter that Lipsker writes about? But Lipsker visit was in 1950 and we are taking 1930.
Boris Solomonovich Schneerson is not the only actor in the family. Previously, we wrote about Solomon Abramovich Schneerson AKA Zinovy Sazhin.
Vsevolod Meyerhold was the famous German meshumad, the creator and director of the Meyerhold Theater, an experimental, innovative and cutting-edge artistic endeavor. He didn’t feel assimilated enough after his family converted to German Lutheranism, and on his 21 birthday converted to Russian Orthodoxy. When I was in Russia, everyone knew him as a Jew. The influential shpiz “creative” Vsevolod Meyerhold was arrested, tortured in 1939 and murdered in 1940.
It would appear that Boris Solomonovich Schneerson had a stage name: Таманцев Борис Соломонович — Tamantsev, Boris Solomonovich.
According to Geni Boris Solomonovich Schneerson’s father was Solomon Zalmanovich Schneerson, he was a medical doctor! He was married to Ester Zalmanovna Kagan. If “Zalman” is a marker of the family, at least Chabad “adjacent” marker.
The three generation population explosion of the Russian Jews. Especially, Alter Rebbe who marked his considerable territory on the roots of an enormous family tree. Assisted by the financial monopolistic “privilege” of his offspring. It lasted for three full generations when Rabbis and Rebbes were in demand, and then collapsed all at once like that old and mighty oak, cut and pushed over the stamp by the retched communist boot. New shoots grew in America, but they had as much in common with the old and mighty oak as a monkey in the Bronx zoo with an ape roaming the African prairie.
Where was I? Oh yes, back in the beautiful and cruel Moscow.
I wasn’t able to find anything else to remember Boris Solomonovich Schneerson.
Someone needs to look up in Sefer HaTze’etza’im. Perhaps it would be a Jew from the direct Alter Rebbe’s line, like the yichus of Anatoly Abramovich Schneerson. Or who knows, there are plenty (thousands?) of Schneersons and only two who wanted Alter Rebbe’s job in “our” generation. Until they found our beloved megalomaniac to hide, forget and obscure the history of the extended family. He had plenty of help from his father-in-law. The real sacrifices of the Gulag victims, kedoshim were erased and forgotten. Instead, a benign brush with the law by the well protected queen bee, the Rayatz, mythologized in the classic style of the Stalinist totalitarian propaganda. It is force-fed to children in the American schools as part of the indoctrination curriculum and celebrated ad nauseam several times every year.
There are less and less Jews who actually saw the Rebbe. Jews who saw the Rebbe and had emotional and mental maturity to be sober about it, to actually witness. You can count them on literally one hand. Maybe less than a hand. Because if you are sober, what are you doing in Lubavitch, the village of love and the fatal attraction? And in love, you're supposed to lose your head a little or a lot. What’s left now is a dream, and you can put anything in a fantasy, you can preach just about everything you want. You can say what you want about the Rebbe because no one was there. And people crave fairy tales more than the hopeless reality. Unlike the stifling world around us, it can last indefinitely, just ask Jesus. A dream is indestructible. You can cut the family tree, but you can’t cut a dream. Welcome to the one global religion.
Now Chabad can have the real “unity” that they so feverishly and unrelentingly demand and sloganize. What is stopping them?
If you dig deeper, there is nothing separating communism and the Messianic revolution. Both falsely and astoundingly claim that we, mortal subjects, can change the world. Can fix the original flaw in the world’s creation once a for all. That’s why progressives feel so at home with Tikkun. It is one unified idea. That’s why Kabbalah broadly and going back two millenniums, a Gnostic idea at the root of Communism. And why we have to come to the realization that once again we made our tragic, loveless bed.
And there is some poetic justice that communism would destroy Alter Rebbe’s family. He was playing with the messianic fire of “change” that consumed us all. Brought about the inferno of the Holocaust and Gulag. Never mind Ramash’s successful record in that department. Ramash finally accomplished the merger of the great religions, reunited the branches of the great tree.
Neil Diamond: “They're coming to America”
Fast-forward to the land of the free. Chabad peddlers of the unity cult don’t realize how much they have in common with the Communist progressives, or the Messianic founders of the USA. Or maybe they realize but do not want to say it out loud. There is no daylight between the ideologies. Both believe you can radically change the world. Both believe “the end justifies the means” as Niccolò Machiavelli used to say. This is, straight up, the whole neo Shabbatean, neo Christian, Marxist religion. That’s why the merger of the two, woke Chabad and woke progressive America, is such a natural and happy union. Progressivism is the child of the enlightenment. When people begun to suspect that you can shed the ritual and concentrate on the central Messianic/Marxist idea of changing the world. The central idea of Judaism, Christianity, Communism, and Protestant Promised Land Exodus, the belief of the American founders.
Alter Rebbe concentrated on the ritual but only as a vehicle of change. They agreed where it counts, the ultimately irresistible promise of change. This world can and will be transformed, no matter what it takes.
The Greeks had gods that assisted with different aspects of life. But they didn't have a god who would change the world. This was a uniquely Jewish chutzpah, a shortcut, a virus that spread to Christianity and then to Islam, Kabbalah, then to the Protestant Reformation and ultimately to Marxism, this virus propagated faster than the Wuhan flu. It exploits the flaw in our weak construction, the bias of the survivers. The unquenchable hope that there is a way out.
השם יקום דמו - בוריס סולומונוביץ' שניאורסון
"If you dig deeper, there is nothing separating communism and the Messianic revolution. Both falsely and astoundingly claim that we, mortal subjects, can change the world. "
Accusations are confessions; and narcissism warps even the clearest head. Nothing can be further from the truth. Communist are far from believing in agency and liberty, in action and failings; in the libertine pursuit of excellence and perfection. Communism argues just the opposite: It is this narcissism of utopic ideas; the embrace of nihilism and pacifism.
Messianic revolution is also the same. The belief of a redeemer that will solve all the worlds problems; so you can sit on your tuchus. True R' Mendel said go out and do something...and some did. The rest who stayed were action drained, with their brains not far behind.
Ask Nietzsche and Jung. Read some Edward Teach MD.