Sep 8, 2022Liked by צמח

Could the "millionaire club" be Machane Yisroel?

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Author

I suggested this during the podcast. But SA kept denying it, so I just deleted from the recording, makes no difference to the context of the interview.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Author

I thought about this last night. It is one thing to say that Rav Landa of Bnei Brak was opposed to the Rebbe because he was "modern", it is another thing with Rayatz's family who probably simply disliked Ramash, didn't think he was "nice" to them, resented him for being away from the family in time that Rayatz was sick or running from death. In personal relationship to them, he was likely uppity, socially difficult.

Decision of this sort are not made on the abstract intellectual level. They are made of a very personal gut check, i.e., how did he look at me yesterday? And on this grievance level they likely thought that he was a snake. They could not possibly care less about his religious "modernity".

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022Author

I don't know about the dynamics in the family but now that any remnants of the true picture have been purged by the apparatchiks, no one will ever know. But if people can name their children in honor of Musia, not as an acknowledgment of her accomplishments, but as a sign of respect and gratitude to the Rebbe, why similar respect was not offered to Nechama Dina? The opposite, her name was bleached from Chabad legacy on the direct orders from above.

A sign of a true "leader" is after you won, you "unite" your enemies and your friends who are all your subjects now. But the Rebbe could never rise to this magnanimous generosity. He held to his every single grudge forever, and he was waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.

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Anyone have the exact source from R' LY asking the Rebbe to wear a kapote?

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Aug 25Author

Why are people even surprised about this? Not only he lived in Berlin, where he was very modern orthodox at the time but more importantly he grew up in the secular Ekaterinoslav where a young man going in kapote would have looked as strange as going in a burka.

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Wasn't trying to come across as surprised...I just wanted to see the full letter

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Intresting to note, on the tombstone it specifies that he was loyal to Rashab and Rayatz, and does not include The Rebbe. Even though he died in 1976, during The Rebbes' tenure.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022
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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022Author

This "disgruntled family member" is the only evidence of that time that we have, the rest is a fantasy of people who are in love with Ramash.

But the way Ramash was received by Rayatz's family is no fantasy. It is a real perception of this man.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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I explicitly said the Rayatz's family objection to Ramash wasn't modernity, they simply disliked him, seeing him up close.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Ramash had a totalitarian, dictatorial bend. This is what bothers me, not the modernity, and the only person to point to it openly is Berre Gourary.

Ultimately was Ramash good for the Jews, we are going to part on this key issue. Nothing else matters, though.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022
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You are missing the point that general perception of Rebbe's accomplishments, among people who otherwise ignorant, or his own chassidim who are blindly in love, is the result of the relentless propaganda and indoctrination not the accomplishments themselves. And as propaganda and brainwashing grows, so it becomes more difficult to discern his true stature.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022Author

Rebbe did a disservice to himself here. He left hours upon hours of words that are treated equally as a revelation by his love subjects. He himself drowned any signal, any original idea in the ocean of noise and nonsense, often vindictive and small-minded nonsense as shown in the podcast.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022
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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Author

Let's face it, in the Maharash's family, and I would include Rashab into this, money was the only criteria for shidduchim of the daughters, plus as we discussed here, very few candidates left suitable for the three acculturated RJPs (Russian Jewish Princess).

Still, I do not see how selection of the groom by the Rashab makes any difference for Rashag prospects.

Ramash being poor was an outlier, a signal that they were running out of nominally religious and rich candidates.

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Seeing how Mahrash married his daughters, and frankly Maharsh's own lifestyle, it is hard to imagine what other considerations came into play.

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