mentalblog podcast
Sound No. 10 - Bad Blood of the Chabad Rebbe

Sound No. 10 - Bad Blood of the Chabad Rebbe

Sholem Aleichem on people who crossed the Ramash

Nechama Dinah, Bere and Chana Gourary, perhaps Rayatz himself, Rav Rivkin, Rashag, Zalman Schneerson, all these names have one thing in common, they are family members or in the case of Rabbi Moshe Dov Ber Rivkin, a virtual family member who belonged to the old Royal court and all of them were downgraded by the new king. Except Raytaz himself of course as explained in the podcast.

Rav Moshe Dov Ber Rivkin
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Biographical Resume

In her letter Musia Schnnerson mentioned Ella Rivkin, daughter of the Rav and Nacha Rivkin, in the paragraph about “Berusya” Bere Gourary. Bere and Ella were probably friends. This Ella eventually married Rav Aaron Benzion Shurin, who later wrote for Forwards and documented the terror directed at his father-in-law. Here is his bio:

Rav Aaron B. Shurin
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Biographical Resume

Since we have been talking about the letters from the Schneerson sisters to Nacha Rivkin it seems appropriate to revisit the attack on Rav Rivkin himself. Rebbe never forgot who dissed him, he never forgot who wasn’t fully supportive of his ascension to the throne., he never forgot people who deviated from the party line.

Boris Borisovich

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