mentalblog podcast
Sound No. 7 - Sholem Aleichem: The Counterclaims of Barry S. Gourary

Sound No. 7 - Sholem Aleichem: The Counterclaims of Barry S. Gourary

Soup After the Meal

“Soup after the meal”

This was part of a longer podcast, cut & paste here...

On the subject of Sound No. 1 - Sholem Aleichem: The Will to Power of Barry Gourary and Sound No. 6 - Sholem Aleichem: The Eclipse of the Schneerson Family. As Sholem Aleichem said in the podcast: “soup after the meal”.


  • The case was in 1985, before the crash of 1987.

  • NYT Article: December 18, 1985, Section B, Page 1.

  • I understand the attachment to books, but how can you say it belongs to hassidim when running from Warsaw and Russia, the books were saved but not the hassidim? See Bryan Mark Rigg.

  • I think it was wrong and greedy for Barry Gourary to take the books, but what followed was a family fight that sliced the culture at its ugliest point. As do all family fights.

  • You mean to say Chabad paid $400,000 to repurchase the books (will someone ever open the hagode?), plus attorney fees, plus at least over $1mil settlement to Barry? While Barry S. made $186,000 from the sales, probably swallowed by his legal expenses? If cooler heads prevailed, this could have been settled for a fraction. Of course, the Rebbe had no cooler heads around, only people who had a vested interest to inflame.1

Rebbetzin Chana Gourary with Sholem Ber, “Bere” Gourary.

This must be in Otvozk. Rashag, Rayaz, Sholem Ber. Who is the man on the right, Hatche Feigin? Bere’s Bar Mitzva would have been in 1936.

Barry and Mina Gourary, nee Haskind.

Barry Gourary with his mother Chana after a visit to Munkacher Rebbe in Boro Park.

I have the photo of Rebbezin Chana after the beating. I published it on the old mentalblog, it’s so horrible, I would rather not post it again. But I probably should, to “complete the picture”.

Floral Park Cemetery (Munkach), South Brunswick, Middlesex County, NJ

The Gourary family were the only relatives who cared for the martyred Horensteins. There is not even a single kindergarten in Zimbabwe named after Mendel and Sheina Horenstein. Not named after Hatche Feigin or other kedoshim. Intentionally forgotten along with Shoa and its victims, Gulag and its victims and general Chabad history in mother Russia. God forbid, to distract from the cult of personality.

Beth-El Cemetery Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey
  • Birth: 10 Feb 1923. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast, Russia

  • Death: 14 Mar 2005 (aged 82), Bergen County, NJ

Beth-El Cemetery, Paramus, Bergen County, NJ

דידן נוזך?



I am told that Ramash didn’t have such a cool head himself and perhaps jumped at the opportunity to remove a potential inheritance dispute.

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