Schneersons in the Soviet Armed Forces during the Second World War
История Шнеерсонов – Forgotten Alter Rebbe's Einiklach – אוֹי מֶה הָיָה לָנוּ
To continue where we left off with GULAG Victims of the Schneerson Family. Not going to write what I feel about this, figure it out…
There is the newly built, grotesque Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces. They have a museum there with a database. I checked some of my close relatives, only half is there. It’s incomplete, but many Red Army soldiers named Schneerson in the database. There are also names that we knew from our previous research or names found in different sources, some already published on mentalblog.
As always, these posts (all mentalblog posts) are updated when additional information flows in from the readers. Updated for spelling, formatting.
The Buried History of the Royal Court
Here are the names:
Шнеерсон Вениамин Менделеевич, Schneerson Veniamin Mendeleevich
Born: 1901, Mogilev, Belarus Drafted: Dzerzhinsky district, Moscow. Military rank: Red Army Soldier. Died in action: November 3, 1942 Place of burial: Russia, Volgograd (AKA Stalingrad), Krasnoarmeisky district, Sacco and Vanzetti, western side, civil cemetery, mass grave.
Шнеерсон Вениамин Михайлович - Schneerson Venyamin Michailovich
Born in Vitebsk in 1908. Captain in the army. Killed in battle, August 14, 1945 (after the capture of Berlin). Buried in the common grave, Kraskino village.
Шнеерсон Зяма Зусьевич - Schneerson Zyama Zusevich
Drafted: October 1941 Rank: Jr. Military Technician Missing in Action
Шнеерсон - Беляк Элла Израилевна, Schneerson - Belyak Ella Izrailevna
Born: June 22, 1920 Died: 2012, she was 93 Military rank: Lieutenant of medical services. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War II degree Ella married Benzion Belyak. Benzion was born on January 10, 1919. They had two children.
Шнеерсон Леонид Израилевич, Schneerson Leonid Izrailevich
There are several color photos (retired?) in the database, some of them were too young to fight in the war or perhaps served at the end of the war. Will list them anyway.
Born May 20, 1926, Moscow Died: March 20, 2014 In 1941 he was 14 years old. He studied at school. With the outbreak of war, he was evacuated to the Penza region, where in 1943 he went to work as a grinder of the 3rd category for the production of defense products. After the war In 1945 he returned to Moscow to finish high school and in 1948 he entered the Moscow Construction Institute. Finished it in 1953. He spent his entire subsequent working life in the construction industry. In 1970 he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of V.I. Lenin"
Шнеерсон Арон Хаимович, Schneerson Aron Khaimovich
Born: October 24, 1911, Kiev, Ukraine Drafted: April 2, 1938 or 1941 Demobilization: September 1945 Military rank: engineer-captain/engineer-major, 57 separate telegraph and telephone company. 2 field communications detachment. Awards: Medal: "For Courage", Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War II degree (awarded on April 6,1985).

Шнеерсон / Шнирсон Аркадий Львович, Schneerson Arkady Lvovich
Born: November 18, 1906, Kozelets, Chernigov region, Ukraine. This town is between Nezhin and Chernihiv (his parent's name was Musya and Leible). Military rank: Lieutenant Drafted: Marientalsky, Saratov region From 07.1941 in the Red Army, platoon commander. He fought in Stalingrad, then Ukraine, crossing the Dnieper and beyond. Missing in action on January 30, 1944, presumably in the Vinnitsa region.
Yulia Yarushina: 9 May 2020
Мой прадед, Шнеерсон Аркадий Львович. До Войны директор школы в г. Козелец, Черниговской области. В 1941 году ушел на фронт
Прошел до Сталинграда, участвовал в окружении немцев в операции «кольцо», освобождал Кубань и Украину. Дед не вернулся с Войны, он погиб зимой 1944 года под г. Винница, освобождая западную Украину. Сохранились его фотографии, письма, "похоронка", и казалось бы все. Но есть ещё внуки, правнуки и их память о войне, о подвиге, который дед и миллионы таких как он совершили во имя нашего будущего. Хочется верить, что мои дети, внуки и правнуки тоже будут помнить о том, что для них сделали их прадеды.
Yulia Yarushina: 9 May 2020 (can someone who has VK account get me the photos, and please say hello to Yulia, we remember her alter zeide).
“My great-grandfather, Schneerson Arkady Lvovich. Before the war, the director of a school in the town of Kozelets, Chernihiv region. In 1941, he went to the front, through Stalingrad, participated in the encirclement of the Germans in the operation "ring", liberated the Kuban and Ukraine. Grandfather did not return from the war, he died in the winter of 1944 in Vinnitsa, liberating western Ukraine. His photographs, letters, have been preserved. But there are also grandchildren, great-grandchildren and their memory of the war, of the feat that the grandfather and millions of people like him accomplished for our future. I would like to believe that my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will also remember what their great-grandfathers did for them.”
Шнеерсон Зелик Лейбович - Schneerson Zelik Leibovich
This must be an older brother of the Arkady above. They also look alike.
Born April 6, 1903. Kozelets, Chernigov region, Ukraine. Drafted: December 12, 1941 Military rank: Lieutenant. 4th Ukrainian Front
Years of life: 1903-1975. Burial place: Moscow, Vostryakovskoe. Square 50, row 1, fence/plot 36. In the plot are Zelik, his wife Rekhtman Rakhil Lazarevna
and his mother Schneerson Musya Moiseevna.
Шнеерсон Мера Лейбовна - Schneerson Mera Leibovna
This must be a younger sister of the two brothers above. Born: March 10, 1919 in Kozelets, Chernigov region, Ukraine. She was drafted at the end of the war on April 10, 1945, and served in Особый Корпус железнодорожных войск, Special Railway Corps Troops.
Шнеерсон Хайм Беркович - Schneerson Haim Berkovich
Born: 1895, Sirotino near Vitebsk. Drafted: July 7, 1941, Moscow, Kuibyshev district. Sniper. Died in action: September 29, 1941. Military rank: Red Army soldier.
Шнеерсон Иосиф Менделеевич - Schneerson Iosif Mendelevich
Born: 1907, Mogilev, Belarus. Drafted: December 1941, Ura-Tyube, Tajik SSR, Leninabad region. Military rank: Guards Corporal / Sergeant. 156th Guards Rifle Regiment, 51st Guards Rifle Division (this was a legendary fighting unit). Awards: Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.
Шнеерсон Эмануил Моисеевич - Schneerson Emanuil Moiseevich
Born: 1917, Königsberg Drafted: November 1939, Ryazan, Russia Died in action: February 1942 Military rank: Private
Шнеерсон Хаим Зельманович - Schneerson Chaim Zalmanovich
Born: 1896, Kovno Region Drafted: Bashkir ASSR, Beloretsky district Military rank: Junior Sergeant, 178 Army Reserve Rifle Regiment Died: In action, August 1942
Шнеерсон Авсей Лазаревич - Schneerson Avsey Lazarevich
Born: 1925, Königsberg, Stepan Razin Street, 20 Drafted: August 1942, Moscow, Leningradsky district Military rank: Sergeant, 38th Guards Mortar Brigade. Awards: Medal: "For the Liberation of Prague", Medal: "For Courage", Medal: "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945", Order of the Patriotic War II degree. There is also Шпирсон Авсей Лазаревич in the database that has slightly different dates and place of the draft: July 14, 1943, Московская обл., Раменский р-н, Moscow region, Ramensky district.
Шнеерсон Яков Борисович - Shneerson Yakov Borisovich
Before you ask. I do not believe this is a Repker Rov’s grandson. That Yakov Borisovich was 15-16 in 1938 at the time of his father’s arrest.
Born: 1909 Drafted: January 6, 1942. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Military rank: Lieutenant. 58th Guards Rifle Regiment, 18th Guards Rifle Division. Awards: Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class.
Шнеерсон Михаил Борисович - Schneerson Mikhail Borisovich
Born: August 25, 1927, Moscow. Drafted: April 16, 1944, 17 yo Lieutenant / Navy sailor. Awards: Medal: "For the Capture of Berlin", Medal: "For the Liberation of Warsaw", Medal: "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.
There is another Schneerson Mikhail Borisovich, who is three years younger according to the database. I am going to list them together as I can’t tell if this is an older photo of the same man. Sort of has a dimple on the chin.
The second or the same man was a Seismic and Geology scientist, professor. He wrote many books. Here is his postmortem in Russian:
Since it was uncommon to find a Schneerson in Moscow, going to guess that this is a son of Шнеерсон Борис Соломонович Boris Solomonovich Schneerson shot on October 16, 1937, by the NKVD. Of maybe the father, or one of the fathers is this Boris below.
Шнеерсон-Бунианович Ривекка Соломоновна - Schneerson -Bunianovich Rivekka Solomonovna
Born: December 27, 1898. Chernigov province, Surazh.
We found a great many Schneersons from this Ukrainian Surazh (there is also a Surazh in Belarus close to Lyady). There was a Schneerson Rov there from the Nezhiner line. רב העיירה הרב שניאור דובער שניאורסון, בנו של הרב הקדוש המהרי"ן מניעז'ין. Nechama Deena was a sister of the Surazh Rov.
Hey, back to reality please… Drafted January 28, 1941. Military rank, Quartermaster technician 1st rank.
Шнеерсон Сергей Эмануилович - Schneerson Sergey Emanuilovich
This might be the man who wrote under the pen name Сергей Снежин. Please reach out to me if you find something.
Born: October 26, 1909. Vitebsk, Belarus. Drafted: July 29, 1941. Leningrad, Dzerzhinsky district. Military rank: Red Army soldier, Lieutenant in the Navy. Awards:Medal: "For the Defense of Leningrad", Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War II degree.
Шнеерсон Абель Борисович - Schneerson Abel Borisovich
Born: June 17, 1920, Kiev, Ukraine. Drafted May 17, 1942 Military rank: Lieutenant. Awards: Medal: "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
Шнеерсон Хайм Беркович - Schneerson Haim Berkovich
Born: 1895, Sirotino near Vitebsk. Drafted: July 7, 1941, Moscow, Kuibyshev district. Sniper. Died in action: September 29, 1941.
Шнеерсон Яков - Schneerson Yakov
Born: 1912, Vitebsk region Drafted 1942 Military Rank: Sergeant, 3rd Guards Motor Rifle Brigade. Died: 1992
Шнеерсон Владимир Иосифович - Schneerson Vladimir Iosifovich
Again this man was too young for service but will list anyway as he appears in the db.
Born: August 27, 1930.
Шнеерсон Александр Залманович - Schneerson Alexander Zalmanovich
Born: August 9,1931.
Шнеерсон Анна Нахимовна - Schneerson Anna Nakhimovna
Born 1927, Leningrad. Drafted: February 22, 1942 Military rank: Nurse Awards: Order of the Patriotic War II degree
Шнеерсон Зиновий Михайлович - Schneerson Zinovy Mikhailovich AKA Зелек Менделеевич - Zelik Mendeleevich
Born: 1918, Kherson, Nikolaev region. Drafted: 1938. 9 Front Reserve Automobile Regiment, 4th mountain engineering brigade. Military Rank Sergeant. Died: March 15, 1945. Killed near Warsaw.
Шнеерсон Лидия Александровна - Schneerson Lidia Alexandrovna
Obviously, married to a Schneerson.
Born: July 3, 1924. Kostroma region, Parfenevsky district, village Trifonovo. Drafted: December 1943. Leningrad, Sverdlovsk district. She worked in a hospital in besieged Leningrad. Member of the Krasnoborsk-Smerdynsk offensive operation 10.02-23.02.1943 Military rank: Lieutenant medical services. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War II degree Death: September 27, 2006.
Шнеерсон Роза Зельмановна - Schneerson Rosa Zalmanovna
Born: 1913. Pyryatino, Poltava region, Pyryatinsky district. Ukraine. Drafted: October 29, 1941. Captain of Medical Services. Volkhov Front, evacuation hospital 1864, field evacuation point 43. Awards: Order of the Red Star.
Абрам Левикович Шнеерсон - Abram Levikovitch Schneerson
This is Margolia’s brother. She writes about him:
“They searched for a long time. They carefully sorted through each book, shook things up, reviewed my brother's [Abram’s] sports equipment… My brother Abram graduated from school that ill-fated year. He was not accepted either to the military school or to the Faculty of Journalism [because of the arrest of his father]. That year there was Marshal Voroshilov draft. Abram shaved his head, hoping that this would help him get into military service. He had an entry in his military ticket: "fit for all branches of the armed forces," he was an excellent athlete, but he was not honored to serve in the army. At the beginning of the war, having refused the exemption [to the army service], Abram signed up as a volunteer, was sent to a reconnaissance school and then disappeared forever.”
Abram was born in Chernigov, Ukraine (USSR) in 1921 to Levik and Khaia née Sverdlov. He was a student and single. Prior to WWII he lived in Chernigov. During the war he was in the Soviet armed forces.
Missing in action. December 1943.
Margolia filled the Yad V’Shem form.
I am publishing it here as an example of many who are not listed in the database, there are many more in each family. And no one is there to fill out Yad V’Shem forms.
Шнеерсон Евгения Марковна - Schneerson Evgenia Markovna
See our post: Repker Rov's Daughter, Schneerson Evgenia Markovna.
Шнеерсон Марк Борисович - Schneerson Mark Borisovich
See our post: The Architect Mark Borisovich Schneerson – The Savior of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa.
Илья Наумович Шнеерсон - Iliya Naumovitch Schneerson
See our post: Iliya Naumovitch Schneerson.
Шнеерсон Арон Соломонович - Schneerson Aron Solomonovich
Born: April 26, 1896. Vitebsk, Belarus. Drafted: September 1941. Military-field construction. Lieutenant. Awards: Medal: "For the Defense of Stalingrad", Medal: "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945". Father: Sholom Berke Movshev Schneerson Mother: Feiga Schneerson Siblings: Abram Solomonovich Schneerson, Shifra (Shura) Solomonovna Grossman (born Schneerson) and 4 other siblings. Aron married Fruma Schneerson (born Peysina) . They had 2 children: Boris Aronovich Schneerson and one other child. Aron passed away in 1965, at the age of 68. We wrote about Gulag victim with the same name, born the same year 1896, but in Riga: Шнеерсон Арон Шоломович. Assume a different man.
Нахман Абергауз - Nachman Abergauz
Nachman Abergauz, born in Vitebsk in 1911, Father Meir (1878-1952), mother Rochel Beyla (1881-1962), the youngest daughter of the Lubavitcher Rebbe [which one?]. Served as commissar (политруком). Fought in defense of Vitebsk. Killed near Königsberg front in the middle of the German advance on Moscow. His son, grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in Israel.
If we start counting Schneerson mothers, I give up…
Шнеерсон Авраам / Аврам Ильич - Schneerson Avram Ilyich
Born: November 2, 1905. Bobruisk, Belarus Drafted: June 1941, Moscow. His service was "Moscow Higher Courses for Advanced Training of Officers". I'm not sure what's up with this one or if he should be in this list. Awards: Medal: "For the Defense of Moscow", Medal: "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945", Order of the Red Star. If this is the same man, he produced a massive amount of propaganda books with titles like: "Stalin's theory of the general crisis of capitalism and the struggle for peace". I mean look at all the books. Most of them his. He died in 1964, in Moscow and buried Novo-Devichye Cemetery.
Шнеерсон Борис Ильич - Schneerson Boris Ilyich
Born: May 9, 1899. Ukrainian Surazh. Another Nezhiner, perhaps. Draft: Moscow, Leninsky district. Military rank: Foreman / старшина. 1281 rifle regiment of the 60th rifle division, 1285 Infantry Regiment, 60 Infantry Division. Awards: Medal: "For the Defense of Moscow"
These soldiers are not LARP, toy soldiers invented to indoctrinate, brainwash children and insult others who still remember the ravages of the wars. These soldiers didn’t chant Maoists jingles punching the air with their feeble fists, these soldiers are real. When you search the internet, as I did thousands of times to prepare, somebody else comes up, and he was as far from the war as was possible. These heroes been first forgotten and then digitally erased, the family history corrupted. The only place you can find these real soldiers is in a computer screen that sits in a dark corner of the state church.
One would think that Chabad and especially Chabad in Russia would run to bring this to the world. This is a PR gold. But alas Chabad apparatchiks would never publicize this. And everyone knows why, it doesn't match the fairy tale.